Ribbon Cutting - Blue Zones Project Scottsdale
Since 2019, the life expectancy of Americans has fallen to the lowest level in nearly two decades. Blue Zones Project Scottsdale is working to make the healthy choice the easy choice by creating healthier environments that are foundational to changing the culture of well-being, reducing healthcare costs, and improving workforce productivity.
Instead of focusing on just individual behavior change, Blue Zones Project Scottsdale helps make permanent and semi-permanent changes to the Life Radius® – where we live, work, learn and play; the area close to home where we spend 90% of our lives.
We are empowering everyone, everywhere to live better, longer.

Date and Time
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM MST
Blue Zones Project Scottsdale Grand Opening. Come for the Ribbon Cutting and stay for the fun! Meet the Blue Zones Team and Community Partners who are committed to making the healthy choice the easy choice for the entire Scottsdale Community. Learn about the core values of Move, Right Outlook, Connect, Eat Wisely and how to get involved. Food demos, Wine tastings @ 5, giveaways and so much more!
Join us in donating "Socks for Seniors"! In the spirit of the holiday season Blue Zones Project has teamed up with the City of Scottsdale's Human Services Department. Bring a pair of new socks to be given to seniors in need.
Parking - FREE City of Scottsdale "Parking Corral" at 3806 N Brown Ave
Contact Information
Hannah Cole
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