Meridian EFT

Behavioral Health Services
M-Th: 9:00-4:00; Fr: 9-1:00
Driving Directions:
From Phoenix: North on 51, exit Shea, turn left @ Shea, right on 24th St, left on Christy Drive.
About Us
Meridian EFT is a holistic wellness practice specializing in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), a self-help and practitioner modality that helps alleviate stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and other emotional factors. Led by certified EFT practitioner Corey Snowden, Meridian EFT offers a unique approach that blends education, compassion, and evidence-based techniques to address disruptions in the mind-body connection. Corey's sessions are designed to empower clients to address unhealthy coping patterns and unresolved traumas, build resiliency, manage stress effectively, and achieve a calm, balanced state. Meridian EFT provides a safe environment for self-exploration, guiding clients to reframe limiting beliefs and create lasting change for improved mental and physical well-being.