Using Social Media to Grow your Business - April 1st
Tired of social media posts that don't do anything for you? Join me and Glow Marketing Solutions for a lunch and learn!
Friday, April 4 · 1 - 2:30pm MST
Glow Marketing Solutions has worked with tourism, the most popular restaurants in Arizona, managed huge influencer accounts, and worked with top creators in the Valley. They will be going over:
✅Do's & Don'ts
✅Creating Strategy
✅How To: Paid Ads.
I'll be sharing how to:
⭐Get more Google Reviews
⭐Use Social Media as Part of your Sales Strategy, not your sole Strategy
Check out my personal TikTok, @ GabbyCanEat , and then come learn what I do to get that type of traction. Check out @ michaelkerbymortg to see his video that has brought in 4 new leads in less than a week.